Acai Berry Facial scrub

 Acai Berry Facial scrub

Acai berries have a remarkable concentration of trace minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, phytosterols, and antioxidants that help the skin regenerate, speeding up the healing process for acneic skin. The cornmeal and kaolin in this recipe act like a sponge that absorbs excess oil while drawing out toxins and impurities from your pores. The oat flour adds a soothing, moisturizing component. This recipe is highly beneficial to all skin types, especially oily and acne prone.

1 quart cup acai berry powder+cup oat flour+cup finely ground cornmeal+cup kaolin clay.

What you will need: quart-size canning jar with lid, spice jar with sifter cap optional

1. To Make: Before you begin, find a protective face mask, or tie a bandana to cover your nose and mouth, to avoid breathing the powdered ingredients. Carefully place all of the ingredients into the canning jar.Close the lid tightly and shake well to blend to a uniform powder. Let stand for 5 minutes or so, letting the dust settle into the jar.

2. To Store: Store this dry facial scrub in a spice jar with a sifter cap. To fill the jar, make a funnel by rolling up a piece of paper. Twist one end to open wide enough to fit into the spice jar, and the other wider to funnel in the powder. Tape it together and spoon the powder into the jar a little at time. Once the jar is full, replace the sifter and cap, and this scrub is ready to use! You can also store this scrub in the quart jar or transfer to asmaller jar, using a clean dry spoon to dispense the facial scrub for each use. Keep the lid tightly closed and store for up to a year.

3. To Use: To use, simply tap out a bit of the powder into the palm of your hand and mix with water added a tiny bit at a time until a paste forms.

Then softly cleanse your face using small circular motions. Rinse with warm water and follow with toner and moisturizer.

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